How to Vote

To be a voting delegate at the AGM in November, in addition to registering by visiting you must also be on a delegate list. If you are a voting delegate, please ensure you receive your ballot when you pick up your credentials from the registration table.
Voting will be open from 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm on Friday, November 9th and from 7:30 am - 3 pm on Saturday November 10.

The details on Credentials & Voting are posted below or you can visit

Section 3., “Delegates,” in the PCAA Constitution states:

The delegates entitled to vote at General Meetings and Annual General Meetings of the Association shall be members in good standing and shall consist of the following:

(a) The Executive Committee of the Association

(b) Fifteen (15) delegates from each Alberta Provincial Constituency Association and fifteen (15) delegates from each Federal Constituency situated within the Province of Alberta; the said delegates must include a minimum of three (3) youth delegates from each constituency. The age for youth delegates shall be defined according to the constitution of the Progressive Conservative Youth of Alberta. All delegates are to be chosen in such a manner as the Constituency Association may decide. Each delegate shall be a resident of the Constituency. If the Secretary of the Association has not received the names of the delegates from the Constituency one (1) week before any meeting of this Association, then the first fifteen (15) members who are residents of the Constituency and who have registered from each Provincial Constituency and the first fifteen (15) members who are residents of the Constituency and who have registered from each Federal Constituency shall be delegates.

(c) Twenty (20) youth delegates appointed by the Progressive Conservative Youth of Alberta, and two (2) youth delegates from every Alberta provincial government accredited post-secondary education institution on which a Provincial Progressive Conservative campus association exists provided there shall be no more than twenty (20) post-secondary campus Associations for this purpose unless otherwise approved by the Executive Committee of the Progressive Conservative Association of Alberta. In the event of a dispute, the Executive Committee shall determine what is a recognized association for this purpose and the decision shall be final.

(d) All Conservative Party of Canada Members of Parliament representing Alberta Constituencies, and all Progressive Conservative Members of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta, and Progressive Conservative candidates nominated subsequent to the most recent Provincial General Election.

(e) Former Progressive Conservative Members of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta.

(f) Past Presidents of the Progressive Conservative Association of Alberta.

(g) Members of the Alberta P.C. Fund Committee not to exceed fifteen (15) from Northern Alberta, and fifteen (15) from Southern Alberta and all regional fund-raising chairmen not to exceed five (5). These delegates will be chosen by the Officers in consultation with the Vice President of Finance.

(h) Fifteen (15) members of the Provincial Campaign Committee as determined by the Officers.

Only delegates shall be entitled to vote at meetings of the Association, and each delegate shall vote once, irrespective of the number of offices held by such delegate.”
  • All delegates must present a 2012 or 2013 PC Alberta Membership card at both the Convention Registration Desk and again to receive credentials; and
  • In accordance with the PCAA Constitution, each Delegate shall be a resident of the Constituency.
If you have any questions please let me know.